Paper Accept: IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing

Exciting news!

We are pleased to announce that our research paper entitled ‘Emotion Recognition From Full-Body Motion Using Multiscale Spatio-Temporal Network’ has been successfully accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing Journal. Our work proposes a multiscale spatio-temporal network, which captures the coarse-grained and fine-grained affective information conveyed by full-body motion and decodes the complex mapping between emotion and body movement.

We extend our gratitude to IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing for their recognition of my work, and We look forward to sharing our insights and advancing the frontier of emotion recognition technology.


Copyright 2017-2000 Tao Wang

Tao Wang
PhD. candidata

Tao Wang is currently a PhD candidate of intelligent medical engineering who specializes in the affective computing and computational neuroscience.

